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Testing Configuration

Depending on the types of tasks you are developing, you may require a custom configuration of your jest testing file. There will be an main.test.js file which will allow you to custom variables to the jest testing file.

Long running task

If you have a long-running task such as web scraping or machine learning, you may need to increase the timeout of the jest testing. You can update it to the following code in the `main.test.js`` file, lines 11 to 14:

it("should performs the core logic task", async () => {
const result = await coreLogic.task();
expect(result).not.toContain("ERROR IN EXECUTING TASK");
}, 2000000); // 2000000 is the timeout in milliseconds

The test will wait for at most 2000000 milliseconds (2000 seconds) before it fails.

Submission rules

If you have a submission rule that requires a specific format or round of the submission, you can update the main.test.js file, lines 21 to 45:

const round = 1; // the round of the submission
submission_value: Joi.string().required(), // the submission value format rules
slot: Joi.number().integer().required(),
round: Joi.number().integer().required(),

Please note after you deploy the task, the round variable is the round of the submission, not the round of the task. The round of the task is the round of the submission plus one.


Please node after you deploy the task, make sure submission_value is the cid which is the string format of the IPFS hash.