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CLI Usage Reference

Install Koii CLI

Check here to learn about how to install the Koii CLI.

After installing the Koii CLI, you can use the following commands to interact with the K2.

Get Pubkey


koii-keygen pubkey



Get Balance


koii balance



Confirm Transaction


koii confirm <TX_SIGNATURE>


Confirmed / Not found / Transaction failed with error <ERR>

Deploy Program


koii program deploy <PATH>





koii-cli 1.10.0 (src:devbuild; feat:167192737)
Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default:
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

account Show the contents of an account
address Get your public key
airdrop Request KOII from a faucet
authorize-nonce-account Assign account authority to a new entity
balance Get your balance
block Get a confirmed block
block-height Get current block height
block-production Show information about block production
block-time Get estimated production time of a block
catchup Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster
close-vote-account Close a vote account and withdraw all funds remaining
cluster-date Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network
cluster-version Get the version of the cluster entrypoint
completion Generate completion scripts for various shells
config Koii command-line tool configuration settings
confirm Confirm transaction by signature
create-address-with-seed Generate a derived account address with a seed
create-nonce-account Create a nonce account
create-stake-account Create a stake account
create-stake-account-checked Create a stake account, checking the withdraw authority as a signer
create-vote-account Create a vote account
deactivate-stake Deactivate the delegated stake from the stake account
decode-transaction Decode a serialized transaction
delegate-stake Delegate stake to a vote account
epoch Get current epoch
epoch-info Get information about the current epoch
feature Runtime feature management
fees Display current cluster fees (Deprecated in v1.8.0)
first-available-block Get the first available block in the storage
genesis-hash Get the genesis hash
gossip Show the current gossip network nodes
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
inflation Show inflation information
largest-accounts Get addresses of largest cluster accounts
leader-schedule Display leader schedule
live-slots Show information about the current slot progression
logs Stream transaction logs
merge-stake Merges one stake account into another
new-nonce Generate a new nonce, rendering the existing nonce useless
nonce Get the current nonce value
nonce-account Show the contents of a nonce account
ping Submit transactions sequentially
program Program management
rent Calculate per-epoch and rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data
field length.
resolve-signer Checks that a signer is valid, and returns its specific path; useful for
signers that may be specified generally, eg. usb://ledger
slot Get current slot
split-stake Duplicate a stake account, splitting the tokens between the two
stake-account Show the contents of a stake account
stake-authorize Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account
stake-authorize-checked Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account, checking the
authority as a signer
stake-history Show the stake history
stake-set-lockup Set Lockup for the stake account
stake-set-lockup-checked Set Lockup for the stake account, checking the new authority as a signer
stakes Show stake account information
supply Get information about the cluster supply of KOII
transaction-count Get current transaction count
transaction-history Show historical transactions affecting the given address from newest to
transfer Transfer funds between system accounts
validator-info Publish/get Validator info on Koii
validators Show summary information about the current validators
vote-account Show the contents of a vote account
vote-authorize-voter Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account
vote-authorize-voter-checked Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account, checking
the new authority as a signer
vote-authorize-withdrawer Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account
vote-authorize-withdrawer-checked Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account,
checking the new authority as a signer
vote-update-commission Update the vote account's commission
vote-update-validator Update the vote account's validator identity
wait-for-max-stake Wait for the max stake of any one node to drop below a percentage of total.
withdraw-from-nonce-account Withdraw KOII from the nonce account
withdraw-from-vote-account Withdraw lamports from a vote account into a specified account
withdraw-stake Withdraw the unstaked KOII from the stake account


Show the contents of an account


-h, --help Prints help information
--lamports Display balance in lamports instead of SOL
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
-o, --output-file <FILEPATH> Write the account data to this file
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> Account key URI. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get your public key

koii address [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

--confirm-key Confirm key on device; only relevant if using remote wallet
-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster


Address lookup table management

koii address-lookup-table [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

close Permanently closes a lookup table
create Create a lookup table
deactivate Permanently deactivates a lookup table
extend Append more addresses to a lookup table
freeze Permanently freezes a lookup table
get Display information about a lookup table
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


Request SOL from a faucet


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<AMOUNT> The airdrop amount to request, in SOL
<RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> The account address of airdrop recipient. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Assign account authority to a new entity


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

--with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

-C, --config <FILEPATH>
Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]

-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--with-memo <MEMO> Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
--nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>
Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction

--output <FORMAT>
Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> Address of the nonce account. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
<AUTHORITY_PUBKEY> Account to be granted authority of the nonce account. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get your balance


-h, --help Prints help information
--lamports Display balance in lamports instead of SOL
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> The account address of the balance to check. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get a confirmed block

koii block [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster



Get current block height

koii block-height [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster


Show information about block production

koii block-production [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
--epoch <epoch> Epoch to show block production for [default: current epoch]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--slot-limit <slot_limit> Limit results to this many slots from the end of the epoch [default: full
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster


Get estimated production time of a block

koii block-time [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<SLOT> Slot number of the block to query


Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster

koii catchup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

--follow Continue reporting progress even after the validator has caught up
-h, --help Prints help information
--log Don't update the progress inplace; instead show updates with its own new lines
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--our-localhost <PORT> Guess Identity pubkey and validator rpc node assuming local (possibly
private) validator [default: 10899]
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<OUR_VALIDATOR_PUBKEY> Identity pubkey of the validator, one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
<OUR_URL> JSON RPC URL for validator, which is useful for validators with a private RPC service


Close a vote account and withdraw all funds remaining


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--authorized-withdrawer <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR> Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]
--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

--with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE-UNIT-PRICE>
Set compute unit price for transaction, in increments of 0.000001 lamports per compute unit.

-C, --config <FILEPATH>
Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]

--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>
Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--with-memo <MEMO> Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
--output <FORMAT>
Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> Vote account to be closed. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
<RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> The recipient of all withdrawn SOL. , one of:
* a base58-encoded public key
* a path to a keypair file
* a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
* the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
* a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)


Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network time

koii cluster-date [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster


Get the version of the cluster entrypoint

koii cluster-version [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster


Koii command-line tool configuration settings


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

export-address-labels Export the current address labels
get Get current config settings
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
import-address-labels Import a list of address labels
set Set a config setting


Confirm transaction by signature


-h, --help Prints help information
--no-address-labels Do not use address labels in the output
--skip-seed-phrase-validation Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
official English word list
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information

--commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL> Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
processed, confirmed, finalized]
-C, --config <FILEPATH> Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/koii/cli/config.yml]
-u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER> URL for Koii's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost]
-k, --keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair
--output <FORMAT> Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
--ws <URL> WebSocket URL for the koii cluster

<TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE> The transaction signature to confirm

Note: This will show more detailed information for finalized transactions with verbose mode (-v/--verbose).

Account modes:
s: signed
r: readable (always true)
w: writable
x: program account (inner instructions excluded)