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Compute Sharing Marketplace

Our decentralized service connects people around the world who have excess computing resources with those who require additional computational power for their applications

Koii Node

A small program that allows you to run compute jobs called “tasks” for people around the world and earn tokens

Gradual Consensus

Koii’s consensus method, achieved by slowing down reward distribution and using proportionately high numbers of audit nodes compared to task executors

Audit nodes

These are nodes that perform audits on tasks to ensure there is no malicious intent present in the task


A piece of executable code that is run on the network


The time span over which each leader (a validator that appends entries to the ledger) accepts transactions and generates a block.

Slots are ordered sequentially and collectively make a logical clock.


The period of time, i.e. the number of slots, during which a leader's schedule is valid.


Accounts and programs pay a fee (rent) to store data on the blockchain.

When an account does not have enough money to pay the rent, it may be garbage collected.

Rent Exemption

Accounts that have more than two years of rent payments in them are considered "rent exempt" and will not be charged rent collection.

The Koii Stack

Finnie Identity SDK

A single wallet SDK that is compatible with most major blockchains and decentralized networks, allowing people to create a single identity across multiple systems

Task Nodes

These nodes complete “objectives” to do whatever is necessary to build a full-fledged dApp


Koii’s own high-speed settlement layer that processes secure payments quickly and reliably. The settlement layer is made of task nodes (K1) built on top of storage networks.

Decentralized Storage

This is where data is stored on a decentralized network by users or groups who are incentivized to join, store, and keep data accessible. This is a peer-to-peer network of users who hold a portion of the overall data, creating an adaptable file storage sharing system.

Koii Nodes

Computers that are running Koii tasks via the Koii Node.

Task Nodes

Task Nodes help keep the network running smoothly by executing tasks that are requested from the network.

Proofs of Real Traffic, aka PoRT

Proof of Real Traffic is Koii’s attention-tracking system. This is the way creators get rewarded for their work and published content.


Koii's official wallet, which enables users to create, store, manage, and share digital assets across different blockchain ecosystems.

Koii SDK

The Software Development Kit that supports the creation of Koii Tasks and Nodes.

Koii CLI

The Koii CLI (Command Line Interface) is a software tool provided by Koii that allows developers to interact with the Koii blockchain network via the command line.

KOII Faucet

An online KOII token dispenser designed for people to get a small amount of free tokens.


  • Task Template

    A framework that allows a developer to create tasks easily and quickly.

  • Create a Task

    Creating a task usually happens when developers use “Create-task-CLI” to package their task code to the task node and upload the task configuration information to IPFS

  • Deploy a Task

    The allow-list process for other people to run that task from their personal devices

General Computing Terms

Application Programming Interface (API)

A way for two or more programs to communicate with each other.

REST API - A subset of APIs

A public set of functions is exposed by a server to allow third parties to interact with it. For example, the Google Images API allows an image to be uploaded to find similar images through a reverse search.

SDK (Software Development Kit)

A set of tools provided by a software company to allow developers to work with their systems

Web3 terms


A general agreement; consensus is achieved when all participants of the network agree on the order and content in a decentralized manner.


A publicly-accessible digital ledger used to store and transfer information without the need for a central authority.


The distribution of control and decision-making from central authority to a distributed network of power.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

A distributed and encoded database that serves as a ledger where transaction records are stored.


A collection of information on transactions completed during a given period of time.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

Used to describe the interactions between parties, in which they disperse tasks and workloads.


The process of authenticating data, creating new tokens, and bringing them into circulation onto a blockchain using a Proof-of-Stake process.


The process of earning crypto by recording and verifying transactions on the blockchain.

Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

A method used by blockchain protocols to achieve distributed consensus. It is an upgrade from Proof-of-Work that uses much less processing power by using a select few validators.


A node in a proof-of-stake system that is responsible for processing transactions, storing data, and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

Proof-of-Work (PoW)

A consensus algorithm in a blockchain is used by miners who then complete tasks to confirm transactions and add new blocks to the chain. It has less decentralization because of mining pools and requires a huge amount of processing power per miner.

NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

A digital certificate of authenticity is used to assign and verify ownership of a unique digital or physical asset. Unlike fungible tokens, NFTs are not interchangeable with one another.

Fungible Token

An asset on a blockchain that is interchangeable with another asset - cryptocurrencies are a great example because each coin has the same value as any other coin of the same type

Settlement Layer

A layer that essentially provides an anchor for an entire ecosystem


A software application or hardware device used to store the private keys to blockchain assets, such as cryptocurrencies and NFTs. It stores the private key that proves ownership of a given digital asset

Wallet Address (aka Public Key)

Usually a string of numbers serves as the address for a blockchain wallet, similar to a bank account number. The Wallet Address is how you send transactions to a Key.

Private Key

As opposed to a public key, a private key is the confidential code you use to access your wallet where your cryptocurrencies are stored. NEVER share your private key with anyone.


A public key and corresponding private key for accessing an account.


The next iteration of the web where there is no centralized authority, and restored ownership of data and information to users. Also known as the ‘read-write-trust web,’ Web 3 is the replacement of ‘read-write’ (Web2) and its predecessor “read-only” (Web1).

Secret Phrase aka Seed Phrase/Recovery Phrase

A sequence of randomly generated words that gives you access to your crypto within a wallet

Decentralized Finance (DEFI)

Peer-to-peer financial service on public blockchains - uses emerging technology to remove intermediaries in financial transactions by using smart contracts on a blockchain

Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

A peer-to-peer exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a mediator.

Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

A network of people with no central leadership, and is collectively owned and governed by its members.

Signature (Cryptographic Signature)

A mathematical operation that allows someone to prove their ownership of their wallet, coin, or data.

Key Pair

A combination of a public key and a private key helps encrypt information that guarantees data is protected at a higher security level.


A document crypto projects release that provides investors with technical information about its purpose.

Wrapped Tokens

A token that represents a cryptocurrency from another blockchain that is fixed to the value of the original cryptocurrency it represents

Wrapped NFTs

The ability to build an NFT on top of another NFT where the initial NFT is wrapped in a contract underneath the new NFT. It introduces the opportunity to develop an existing project.


When a project has a giveaway for either tokens or coins and can also be NFTs.


Known as NFTs, this allows developers to classify owned arbitrary data as a valid token.


A token standard that allows the Application Programming Interface (API) to be implemented for cryptocurrencies. This makes it so every token possesses the same form and value, and grants the exchange, sharing, and transferring of new tokens into a crypto wallet.


The process of putting your tokens in a proof-of-stake system to serve as a validator to the blockchain and receive incentives


A cryptocurrency with low volatility


All other cryptocurrency coins other than Bitcoin

Fiat Currency

Any kind of currency not backed by a real asset such as silver or gold, but is backed and issued by a centralized government


Platforms where you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies

Testnet aka “Test Network”

A network is used to stimulate the behavior of the main net. This is where developers can test the performance of new protocols before making them public.

Mainnet aka “Main Network”

The main public version of a blockchain that is fully developed


A form of instruction set designed for efficient execution by a software interpreter


The smallest unit of KOII. 1,000,000,000 Roe = 1 KOII

Confirmed Block

A block that has been verified and added to the blockchain.


The point at which a transaction has been finalized. This means the transaction is irreversible.

Base Transaction Fee

The minimum fee needed to send a transaction. The base transaction fee is 500,000 Roe.

Prioritization Fee

An additional fee added on top of the base transaction fee. This prioritization fee is added by exchanges at times of high network activity to help ensure transactions are not dropped before they are finalized.


A number sent with a transaction to ensure it is unique.

Durable Nonce

A nonce that can be used over multiple blocks. This helps with offline signing and transactions that need to be prepared in advance.

Offline signing

Signing a transaction with a private key, using an offline method like a hardware wallet to protect private keys from theft. The transaction is prepared online, transferred offline and signed, then transferred back online.