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How to develop an OrcaPod


The purpose of this guide is to show how to integrate ORCA with Koii. Basically we will be focusing and simplifying so that developer can come to this guide, they can start developing and running KOII-ORCA task.


Install the KOII CLI​

To interact with the K2 locally, you need to install the Koii CLI. Click here to follow the instructions.

Create a Koii Wallet​

Koii supports a file system wallet that can be used to interface directly with the Koii command-line tools.


A file system wallet, aka an FS wallet, is a directory in your computer’s file system. Each file in the directory holds a keypair.

Source Solana

To generate a file system wallet keypair, use Koii’s command-line tool koii-keygen. Run the following command:

koii-keygen new --outfile ~/.config/koii/id.json

This file contains your unencrypted keypair, protect this file as it grants access to all tokens sent to its public key. Do not distribute the file; share only the public key to maintain security.

The public key of the keypair file is your wallet address. To display your public key, run:

koii address

It will return a string of characters like:


Congratulations! You now have a Koii wallet, Next, let’s airdrop some KOII in your wallet. Click Here

Clone repository​

  • Clone task-template github repository from the given Link
  • Navigate to the task-template folder
  • Create a new directory
sudo mkdir -p config/koiii
  • Copy the id.json to the config/koii
sudo cp ~/.config/koii/id.json config/koii

Web3Storage API Token​

You’ll be required to add your API key, visit here to create a account. After creating an account, create an API Token for your project, paste the API token on this prompt

Edit the config-task.yaml​

Replace the value of the given keys

  1. task_name - anything according to you
  2. task_execution_network - Should be DEVELOPMENT
  3. task_audit_program_id - main
# Name and metadata of your task
task_name: "cd-demo-task"
author: "koii"
description: "This will be description of your task"
repositoryUrl: ""
imageUrl: "imageUrl"
# network value can be DEVELOPMENT , ARWEAVE or IPFS, Recommended IPFS as the cli automatically takes care of uploading the executable with the help of web3.js key
task_executable_network: "DEVELOPMENT"
# Path to your executable webpack if the selected network is IPFS otherwise leave blank
task_audit_program: ""
# Total round time of your task : it must be given in slots and each slot is rougly equal to 4ms
round_time: 500
audit_window: 200
submission_window: 200
# Amounts in KOII
minimum_stake_amount: 2
# total_bounty_amount cannot be grater than bounty_amount_per_round
# total bounty is not accepted in case of update task
total_bounty_amount: 10
bounty_amount_per_round: 1
#Number of times allowed to re-submit the distribution list in case the distribution list is audited
allowed_failed_distributions: 3
#Space in MBs for the account size, that holds the task data
space: 1
# Note that the value field in RequirementTag is optional, so it is up to you to include it or not based on your use case.
# To add more global variables and task variables, please refer the type,value,description format shown below
- type: CPU
value: "4-core"
- type: RAM
value: "5 GB"
- type: STORAGE
value: "5 GB"
- type: NETWORK
value: "testnet"
value: "M1"
- type: OS
value: "OSX"
# OPTIONAL variables below
# OPTIONAL Only provide the taskId if you are updating the task otherwise leave blank
task_id: ""
# OPTIONAL only Provide your transaction ID in case of ARWEAVE and in case of DEVELOPMENT give your executable name as main otherwise leave blank
task_audit_program_id: "main"

Create the Koii Task​


Make sure nodeJS must be install in your system.

Run the following command to create the task:

npx @_koii/create-task-cli

Integrate Orca-Pulse with Koii and create Simple task​


Install Orca-pulse​

It is basically JS NPM package. Which used to communicate with ORCA.

npm i orca-pulse

Creating an instance of orca-pulse​

Import orca-pulse in the index.js

const { OrcaPulse } = require('orca-pulse')

Create an instance of orca-pulse in the index.js inside setup function.

const orcaPulse = new OrcaPulse()
await orcaPulse.initialize(
'certificate' //Optinal, Need to pass when ORCA is running with SSL Mode.

Create simple-task.js​

class SimpleTask {
constructor(orcaPulse) {
async start(orcaPulse) {
orcaPulse.podCall('collect', {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: {
'datatype': 'blocks',
'start_block': '100000',
'end_block': '100005',
'rpc_url': ""
}).then(collect => {
console.log("etl data", collect)
}).catch(err => {
console.log("error is in collect podcall", err)
module.exports = SimpleTask

Make change in CoreLogic.js​

Import the simple-task

const SimpleTask = require('./simple-task');

Create instance of the simple task class

 const result = await new SimpleTask(orcaPulse)

Edit .env.local file​

Replace the value of the Given keys

  1. TASK_ID
################## DO NOT EDIT BELOW #################
# Location of main wallet Do not change this, it mounts the ~/.config/koii:/app/config if you want to change, update it in the docker-compose.yml
# Node Mode
# The nodes address
# For CI/CD purpose to automate the staking wallet creation
# Intial balance for the distribution wallet which will be used to hold the distribution list.
# Global timers which track the round time, submission window and audit window and call those functions
# environment
# HAVE_STATIC_IP is flag to indicate you can run tasks that host APIs
# To be used when developing your tasks locally and don't want them to be whitelisted by koii team yet
# The address of the main trusted node
################ DO NOT EDIT ABOVE ###################
# Location of K2 node
# Tasks to run and their stakes. This is the varaible you can add your Task ID to after
# registering with the crete-task-cli. This variable supports a comma separated list:
# TASKS="id1,id2,id3"
# TASK_STAKES="1,1,1"
# User can enter as many environment variables as they like below. These can be task
# specific variables that are needed for the task to perform it's job. Some examples:
# Secrets must follow this convention for task to be able to use it (SECRET_<secret name>)

Compile the task​

After you’ve created a task using the K2 task template as a guide, you’ll need to compile it with Webpack into a single executable file. Open up your terminal, and in the directory of your task:

  • Run yarn to install all dependencies
  • Run yarn webpack to compile code
  • You should see a new directory /dist
  • Your compiled executable is located in /dist/main.js That’s it! You’ve successfully compiled your task into a single executable file. ​

Run the task​

Make sure you are in the task-template location Run task-template using docker compose

docker compose up